1. Purpose and Scope

It is the responsibility of all staff to help maintain the health and safety of the pupils and the working/dancing environment, being aware of the risks, identify any potential safety issues and take appropriate action as required. Staff must be aware of and comply with this Health and safety Policy, including relevant legislation and all emergency procedures.

As far as is reasonably practicable, we will provide and encourage:
• A safe place to work and train with safe entrance and exit from premises.
• Safe arrangements for the use, handling and storage of equipment.
• Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure all staff can minimise hazards and contribute positively to effective Health and Safety at work.

The overall Health and Safety of Emma Pilling Dance Academy (EPDA) is the responsibility of the Principal who will ensure that all staff adhere to the health and safety policy and guidelines.

It is the responsibility of all staff to help maintain the safety and security of the students and the working and dancing environment. This includes being aware of the risks, knowing the appropriate action to take and identifying any potential safety issues. Each member of the teaching staff within the organisation has a duty to exercise care and attention, about their own safety and that of their students.

2. Workplace and Dance Studio Safety

Studio Safety
• Flooring - ensure floors and clean and remove any objects that might cause a risk when dancing or moving around the studio.
• Mirrors - ensure they are fit for purpose and not damaged / broken.
• Doors and exits - ensure they are secure, accessible and nothing is blocking the emergency exits.
• Ballet barres - ensure ballet barres are secure and safe for use.
• Equipment - any sure any other equipment used to facilitate classes are in good working order with no associated hazards.
• Communal spaces and walkways should be kept clear from tripping hazards.

Student Safety
• Correct dancewear / uniform must be worn for each class.
• A member of EPDA staff is to assist students in determining the appropriate sizing for dancewear, shoes and costumes.
• Correct footwear must be worn for each class.
• Long hair must be tied back.
• Earrings should be removed by parents.
• No energetic instruction will be given without pupils undergoing a warm-up session, and after an energetic session completing a warm-down session.
• A member of EPDA staff is to accompany young students to the toilet when required.
• At the end of each lesson students are picked up by a nominated parent / guardian. If the parent / guardian has not arrived students wait in reception with the Office Manager.
Fire Evacuation Procedures
• In the event of a fire staff and students must comply with the procedures set out in the EPDA Fire Risk Assessment.
• Emergency exists are cleared marked.

Other Safety Measures and controls

Use of CCTV
• The studio premises are equipped with CCTV for the personal safety of staff, students, parents / guardians and visitors.
• Further information is set out in the EPDA CCTV Policy.

Electrical Testing and Inspection
• All fixed electrical equipment undergoes a period inspection and test in line with current guidelines set out by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
• Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) is carried out periodically on a risk-based approach.
• Daily visual checks for defects are made on all accessible electrical plugs / sockets / equipment to ensure the safety of students and staff.

First Aid
• Allocated Staff at EPDA are trained first aiders and receive regular refresher training.
• A trained first aider is always present on site during opening hours.
• First aid treatment is to be applied to students by a qualified EPDA first aider if necessary.
• The first aid boxes are restocked regularly and are kept in the following locations, clearly marked with a green ‘first aid’ sign.
• Unit C5 – Office
• Unit C6 – Kitchen
• An accident book will be kept for recording all injuries.
• All accidents are to be recorded in the accident report book.
• All accidents should be dealt with appropriately by staff, recorded in the accident book and parents informed promptly.
• Head injuries - however small, these incidents should always be reported to parents / guardians in case of concussion or any other medical reasons.
• For major injuries - call 999 for emergency help and follow their instructions. The first aider is to stay with the casualty at all times until the appropriate help has arrived.

3. Safe Dance Instruction

An EPDA teacher may have physical contact with the student to make corrections to posture etc. This will always be done in an appropriate manner with the student’s best interests in mind and only if absolutely necessary to ensure student safety. By necessity, the teaching of dance involves a ‘hands on’ approach to ensure the safety of the student, correct body alignment and to avoid injury.

EPDA attempts to minimise any risk of personal injury within practical boundaries of teaching dance, however accidents can happen, and all physical activities carry the risk of personal injury. Parents / guardians acknowledge that while every care and safety measure will be taken, there is an inherent risk of personal injury in physical activities that will be undertaken at the studio and accept that risk.